Now that we’re all cooped up at home all the time, we have to find more creative ways to get moving! There are a bunch of different home workouts I like to do, but all of them require a few workout items that I think everyone should have at home. Since home workouts require some space especially if you’re doing cardio, I always tend to gravitate towards a low intensity workout that can be done easily on a yoga mat!
So in an effort to inspire everyone to get moving, I’ve rounded up 3 of my favorite workout items that I always end up using when I’m working out at home! Let me know if you have any other must haves you love to use when working out inside 🙂
#1 Ankle Weights
These are great for the times you’re looking to crank it up a notch! I have these in the 1lb weight and use them on my ankles but sometimes switch it up and slip them on my wrists. They’re the perfect little push to challenge yourself a little more
#2 Resistance Band
This is such a simple one that makes a world of difference! They come in multiple sizes and resistances and they’re so easy to work into any routine.
#3 Yoga Mat
Kind of a no brainer, but if you’ve been working out on your carpet or floor – this is a great investment! It makes working out on the floor so much more comfortable and helps you stay in place whether you’re doing yoga or any other type of workout.