Don’t worry, I’m not about to tell you about the latest and greatest juice cleanse. I’m talking about cleanses that are actually good for you and your soul. And why wait until 2022 to dig in and start anew? There’s no time like the present.
1. Following Cleanse
Have you ever taken inventory of the people you’re following on social media? Have you ever taken a minute to evaluate how the people you follow on social media make you feel? I implore you to remove any individuals who bring negativity to your mindset (and to your feed!). This is one of my favorite cleanses. And if you don’t want to unfollow to avoid drama, just MUTE!
2. Closet Cleanse
I have a rule: one in, one out. Every time I buy a new piece, I either donate or sell an old piece of clothing. To get ready for the new year (and new clothes), I’m going through my entire closet, stripping back and giving away/donating/selling things I haven’t worn in the past year.
3. Beauty Drawer Cleanse
Do you know that most (if not all) makeup and skincare products have an expiration date? Yep, that little open jar graphic on the back of products actually means something. Go through your products and see what should be in the trash and what’s still good to keep. Chances are you’ll be throwing a good amount away.
4. App Cleanse
Gain some storage on your phone and delete those apps you never use. Bonus points if you organize your home screen into folders for easy access to the apps you actually do use!
5. Email Marketing Subscriptions Cleanse
How many emails do you get on a daily basis that you immediately delete? I’m a sucker for 15% off when signing up for mailing lists, too. But the time it takes to go through those useless emails is time wasted. Go through your subscriptions and unsubscribe from those that you no longer need.